Webinar / 02. Februar 2023, 15.00 – 16.30 CET
Energy efficiency and GHG emission intensity values for logistics sites
In 2022, we have established a second market study »Energy efficiency and GHG emission intensity of logistics sites«, launched within the research initiative »German, Italian & Latin American consortium for resource efficient logistics hubs & transport«.
Our survey raised even higher interest from industry than the previous in 2021, and we succeeded to analyse more than 600 sites at global scale regarding energy and GHG emission KPIs. Participating companies received their own annual carbon footprint, emission intensity values as well as a comparison within their own site category cluster.
The research bases on previous studies in Italy, Germany and Latin America and aims at studying the energy efficiency and GHG emission intensity of logistics sites at global scale. We considered logistics sites such as warehouses, distribution centres, transhipment sites, and terminals; examining (i) the solutions in use to reduce the environmental impact, and (ii) consumption and GHG emissions related to the site as well as to the activities performed. Our previous research outlined particular interest from industry and the work is accompanied by and supports the ongoing discussions related to international standardisation of GHG emissions quantification of logistics chains (planned ISO 14083).