Carbon footprint benchmark for logistics sites

Benchmark of the energy and resources use at logistics sites by carbon footprint

© Fraunhofer IML

Logistics sites, such as transshipment centers and warehouse locations significantly affect the carbon footprint of logistics systems.

Hence it is only consequential that both logistics service providers and shipping agents start closely analyzing the carbon footprint of their transport and site processes: On basis of the results obtained here, effective efficiency and financial benefits can be realized.

The knowledge of site-specific resource and energy consumption allows improving processes purposefully, as well as, evaluating planned investments. Typical potentials are for example in reducing base load electricity consumption during non-productive times, using resource-friendly technologies or in process control. In-house site studies moreover show, e.g. incorrect investment decisions on the air conditioning of storage facilities or point out advantages of alternative packaging concepts with a reduced usage of packaging material.

The Fraunhofer IML supports your company with a standardized calculation approach to record the emission-related operating supplies at your logistics sites, to create a complete grennhouse gas emission profile and to deduce your individual benchmark for the relevant market segment.

QUICK SCAN 2015: The carbon footprint of your logistics sites

In 2015 Fraunhofer IML conducts a market study on company-specific carbon footprints of logistics sites and plans publishing it in the form of a benchmark report.

The study includes logistics sites such as:

• Transshipment sites, ports, terminals,

• Warehouses (dry, refrigerated, cooled),

• Distribution centers.

The study takes place as part of a simple Quick Scan. Fraunhofer IML carries out a data analysis for each site. Here, all company information will be treated confidentially. As a result you will receive a fact sheet covering the site-specific carbon footprint (Quick-Scan), the relevant share of consumption, as well as, the individual benchmark for the respective market segment. Fraunhofer IML publishes the anonymized key figures in the superordinate benchmark report.

The data provision from May to July 2015 is realized by means of a form containing 16 site-specific questions. By filling out this form you can participate in the study and determine the carbon footprint of your logistics sites, as well as, your competitive position.

Are you planning to participate with several logistics sites at the market study and do you want an Excel-based data transmission? Please feel free to contact us.

Further information is provided for download: