TRUSTyFOOD intends to shed light on the current partial and fragmented picture of Blockchain applications in the agri-food domain, by clarifying the benefits and opportunities which such technology can offer to stakeholders throughout the food chain and by providing suitable tools to each targeted stakeholder for effective implementation in their own context. The project is funded under Horizon Europe by the European Union. 


On behalf of the TRUSTyFOOD consortium, we are extending an invitation to participate in an online workshop on the barriers and drivers of using blockchain in the agrifood system.

During the workshop you will be part of a group of stakeholders from around the EU and your input will support the creation of the European strategic research agenda on blockchain & web3 in agriculture.

Who are we looking for?

- Farmers and their organizations (Smallholder Farmers, Large-scale Commercial Farmers, Organic Farmers, Cooperatives, etc.)

- Agrifood players (Processors & Manufactures, Distributors, Wholesalers & Retailers, Inspection Agencies, Finance institutes, etc.)

- Societal Organizations (Sustainable Agriculture Advocacy Groups, Fair Trade & Ethical Sourcing, Social Impact Investors, Cultural Preservation und Indigenious Rights Groups, etc.)

- Blockchain Experts (Researchers, Investors & Entrepreneurs, (Blockchain) Technology Providers, Consultants, Educators, etc.)

- Policymakers & Regulators (Policy Advisors, Regulators for Agriculture, Food Safety or (Blockchain-)Technology, etc.) 

Outlook Local Focus Groups

After the workshops on drivers and barriers, we will organize local focus group workshops that will deal with country-specifiy topics of blockchain in agriculture. Fraunhofer IML with consortia partner University Koblenz-Landau will lead that effort for Germany, Austria & Switzerland.


Topic: Barriers and Drivers of Blockchain in Agrifood Systems
Time: Late March to April 2024 (attendance only for one session within your stakeholder group)

Duration: 2 hours (Afternoon CET)

Format: Online Teams Meeting


Feel free to register using the form below to confirm your interest in participating and we will send you further information about the workshop via email.

TRUSTyFOOD – joining the Stakeholder Board

Please fill out the form to express your interest to participate in the workshop(s) on a voluntary and free basis.
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Select the group which best reflects your expertise. If you are unsure to which group you belong or if it is not listed, mark other and we will follow up with you.

Select the group which best reflects your expertise. If you are unsure to which group you belong or if it is not listed, mark other and we will follow up with you.

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Please specify Country (if selected "other")

Please specify Country (if selected "other")

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Leave questions or remarks we should consider for the workshop

Leave questions or remarks we should consider for the workshop



Learn more about the project.



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Presentation Successful R&I in Europe 2024

Presentation of preliminary project results as part of a networking event on Horizon Europe projects