Processes & Key Performance Indicators

Record processes. Analyze processes. Improve processes.

From recording to analyzing and improving processes, Fraunhofer IML uses a toolbox based on years of experience. The IML OpEx Toolbox includes useful methods and tools to achieve your business goals. A popular tool is the brown paper method. We use this method to capture actual processes together with your employees. In this way, employees are involved in improvement processes at an early stage and a common understanding of processes is developed. During the analysis phase, potentials beyond the symptoms, the causes of faulty or inefficient processes are identified. Finally, measures and proposed solutions are discussed, and fields of action are derived, which can be logically clustered in a roadmap.  

Key performance indicators in intralogistics

The topic of key performance indicators (KPI) is a big issue in many companies. However, it can often be observed that the defined KPI do not bring the hoped-for transparency about performance. Also the possibilities to react and control at an early stage are often not given. Question your KPI system with Fraunhofer IML and discuss potentials. 

  •  How can KPI be aligned with the set goals?
  •  Which KPI are suitable for which target group?
  •  To what extent does the form of presentation influence the efficient work with KPI?      
  •  How does warehouse IT support the work of KPI in the warehouse?