Selected References

Trustworthiness profile

With the BMWI as a supporter, the development of a profile for automated trust creation as well as the development of building blocks for the evaluation of companies is to be advanced. As a result, trustworthiness profiles for autonomous negotiations, as well as a trust agent for managing the profiles, are to be created.  


Optimization of the weekly program planning. Development of a logistic assistance system for the weekly program planning of a large automobile manufacturer. Taking into account all restrictions (e.g. logistics and production capacity), orders must be assigned to production weeks.

Levelling of delivery quantities in the food industry

The supply chain of a food manufacturer was analysed and a too high variance in the delivery quantities was identified. Based on this, a Logistical Assistance System and an optimization procedure for levelling the deliveries across the entire supply chain was developed.

SCM cockpit

An assistance system to monitor the order-to-delivery process. Data from different IT systems are regularly imported into the assistance system in order to display the process from order to delivery and to determine various KPIs.

LAS for personnel resource planning

A simulation-supported assistance system was developed for a large logistics service provider for personnel deployment planning. This system simulates a logistics location with the help of highly up-to-date order data and provides the planners with a basis for decisions on the allocation of personnel.