Innovative factory and production structure through segmentation
The manufacturing sector in Germany constantly has to deal with new challenges. In addition to technical and governmental restrictions, for example in terms of emissions, it is precisely the increasing individualization of customer needs combined with increasing demands on the availability of products which have led to a need for rapid adaptation. For these reasons, poorly coordinated production processes and sub-optimally allocated capacities have become increasingly relevant in influencing business success. However, the necessary flexibility can be achieved effectively with the help of innovative factory and production structures. Here, production segmentation emerges as a reliable option for increasing the efficiency of a production system and its tolerance to changes. The segmentation of manufacturing also enables a simplified control design through clearly arranged phases.
The goal is the creation of autonomous and self-sufficient manufacturing, planning and logistics structures that enable an efficient flow of material and information, while simultaneously reducing inventory. In this case, a broad decentralization of capacity must be ensured. The resulting "factories in the factory" offer additional potential for competitive advantage because they focus their resources on a specific production task which derives from the strategic overall vision of the company and its market objectives.
A simple visual representation will help you to visualize the influence of the modified production layout after segmentation has taken place.
Your Benefits
- Shortened throughput times,
- Increased flexibility, leading to higher punctuality and therefore greater customer satisfaction,
- More efficient material and information flow,
- Elimination of waste by doing away with multiple storage levels in the work flow (complete processing without temporary storage),
- Reducing work-in-progress,
- Optimization of production planning and control, as well as
- Minimization of transport and transport routes in the overall production system
Our approach for factory planning according to the concept of segmentation
Restructuring of this magnitude is only possible through well-founded and systematic analyses, as well as process-oriented planning. The manufacturing segments specifically developed for the company thereby allow the company to optimally fulfill future market requirements in terms of variety, flexibility and delivery times while ensuring profitability.