Traffic Management and Transportation

Study on automated Trucks in Yard Managemet

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Within the framework of a study for the Forschungsgemeinschaft Automobiltechnik e.V. (FAT), an analysis of the framework conditions and prerequisites for automated operation of commercial vehicles in yard traffic was carried out. 

A central question of the task was to identify where and how economically positive effects arise from highly automated commercial vehicles in the context of the scenario »driverless in yard management«. For this purpose, the associated logistical processes and activity sequences were investigated and differences, potentials, but also risks associated with their use in practice were examined more closely. 

Since the logistics sector is very diverse and characterised by special process-related focal points, the study was divided into six sectors (logistics service providers, combined transport handling terminals, trade, seaports, manufacturing industry, chemical parks). Almost all of the companies surveyed can identify potentials for their own operations that make internal processes and procedures more reliable and secure, but also more efficient. Likewise, a large number of the site operators are willing to adapt their own processes and invest in (technical) infrastructure or vehicles if the economic viability can be demonstrated within a manageable period of time. The legal situation and the respective liability issues were rated as consistent challenges by the factory site operators. 

The study was carried out by the Fraunhofer IML Project Centre »Traffic, Mobility and Environment« in Prien am Chiemsee and the Transport Logistics Department in Dortmund. The complete study can be downloaded from the website of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).